When one thinks of “leather,” the texture and look that one’s mind typically conjures up is a relatively simple, smooth, plain material made from the skin of a cow or calf. God’s first gift to Adam and Eve after their banishment from Eden was leather clothes, and when you think of that, I’m sure you are envisioning this matte, plain, smooth material.
However, to relegate one’s way of styling leather to just cow or calf skin is a tragedy that many fall victim to. Leather has historically been made from countless different beasts, with soldiers returning home from far off lands clad in the hides and pelts of exotic animals they encountered. Roman soldiers fashioning armor from crocodile skin and Winged Hussars draped in leopard pelts come to mind.
Early Roman Armor made from crocodile skin, British Museum
Exotic skins are an iconic style of explorers, soldiers, and exceptional visionary men. The level of intrigue generated from a pair of crocodile skin shoes or an elephant skin wallet is unparalleled. “Is he a hunter? An explorer? How did he acquire something that unique? Who does he know? How learned must he be to have that level of taste?”
The most common barrier for men looking to reach this level of style is how to style these unique, exotic skins. Luckily, God did most of the work in creating a unique image, so it’s up to you on how you frame these works of art.
With typical cow-based leather, the more simple material lends itself to a wide variety of shoe styles and decoration like wingtips and even two-tone spectators like the the Cadby or Merfield.
Exotic skins are a little different. From alligator to elephant, the texture and pattern of the skin truly speaks for itself. The almost quilt-like layout of a crocodilian’s scaley leather requires no broguing or decoration. The creased, map-like texture of an elephant’s skin requires no extra presentation to make itself known.
In this way, exotic skins are an ideal material choice for the minimalist man. The distinctive texture and personality lends itself to plain, whole cut oxfords, Chelsea boots, and loafers. An exotic skin wingtip shoe would be your foot’s equivalent of a hat on a hat. Like with many things, letting God’s creativity shine through is the wisest choice of action.
The Lolong Shoe and Struthers Boot
Let your exotic skin be a bit of a statement piece. The Struthers Boot is the perfect example. The effortless, unique look of the crocodile’s texture combined with the Chelsea boot style subtly elevates a more casual look in an effortless way. Without words, the man casually wearing the world’s oldest apex predator on his feet has become the most interesting man in the room.
Sometimes baby steps are a necessity when taking on the many beasts of this world. If you aren’t ready for shoes and boots, Start with a key fob, wallet, or belt, See the texture, the depth of color, and embrace the way it elevates your personal style.
For the most unique exotic skin styles, check out the Gustave, Lolong, Struthers, Tembo, and Rogue